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The PCR test is a "Dakar MUST" for all drivers and helpers!

Easy but effective !

My NEGATIVE PCR of course was a great relief. I can't imagine what a positive result would have done to me :(

Even before the rally, this document became a nightmare for some of the best participants.

  • GINIEL DE VILLIERS ( ZRF) ... was days before the rallye positive & only received his negative test result a few days before going to Saudi Arabia !

  • Kirtsen Landmann ( ZRF ) of the best women in the field and supposed to race the " Malle MOTO Class " even ( .. no mechanics & outside support ) unfortunately was tested POSITIVE shortly before going to Saudi :( Let's see if she can still pass the negative PCR test by the start of the day after tomorrow? 1 year of extreme preparation would just dissolve into air at the last moment :(

  • Even till today sadly there are several in Jeddah tested participants POSITIV - hopefilly there won't be too many coulght out due to teh virus ? :(

Let's see if she can still pass the negative PCR test by the start of the day after tomorrow? 1 year of extreme preparation would just dissolve into air at the last moment :(


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