PayPal.Me - Sponsoring for everyone!
Why sponsorship or funding?
I was able to finish the Dakar Rally surprisingly well, even for me. Nevertheless, I had to realize that the world leaders are in a different league. If you can't keep up the pace of this world class there are plenty of reasons for any of us to apologize, explain or get some kind of rehabilitation - factory riders, factory material, training opportunities, money, etc.
If you use these arguments, this is certainly a kind of surrender or defeat!
I don't want to just accept this, I want to work on the backlog point by point and the first three points are:
Regular training in the desert or similar terrain.
Interpreting the road book while "sleeping" and being able to react to it instinctively!
Starting at the Dakar 2023 in the Malle Moto class & building up my experience - probably the hardest but also the most
promising way to catch up with the top riders.
In order to master these steps, the backing of loyal long-term sponsors is of course necessary.
And it is only in such cases that one can also help the partner to increase their level of awareness, which may then also result in increased turnover.
" NO PAIN - NO GAIN " ... this applies to both partners!
The solution!​
A few larger sponsors who cover the "rough" and then many small patrons who make my daily life possible!
I would be happy if you all would contribute to my success! German rally sport needs that!
One for all, all for one!
PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS - sorry that Videos & Broadcasts are only available in German language:
In order to show the achievements of exceptional German bikers, to bring the myth and the efforts of the Dakar a little closer and to build up a little motivation for donations, I have also provided a few videos for interested people.
MALLE MOTO / Original by Dakar explained using a DEMO VIDEO

Video which provides some impressions of the Dakar, specially for " Outsiders "
Video with my german Moto Legends and Idols, which who have achieved extraordinary successes with a lot of commitment and persistance!
Sportler Promotion Video von DAKAR 2022 ( ADAC Pfalz Siegerehrung 2022 )
Video welches für " Outsider " ein paar Eindrücke über die Dakar vermittelt !
Geschichte Dakar, meinen Trainingsativitäten und Info's um als Leihe der Dakar etwas näher zu kommen.