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Today is the longest special stage of this Dakar with 465 km Special and a 250 km a road stage !

The weather - as usual - not exactly an invitation for swimming :)

First I need to warm up the froozen body, recover from exhausting long road trip & fully concentrate for the start!

The bike, the weight, the speed ... the fast passages are a completely different feeling compaired to cross or enduro

Survived another day in the office today - 460 km and approximate 5 half hours special stage and some 250 km road stage really is an ultimate challenge and unbelievably hard to take!

It was another extremely fast day. Only at the end it became a little more technical . At the beginning several riders had falls, some more were cought up during the fast passages. The chopper was constantly on the move, which makes you think and taking it a little more easy! This is not really encouraging 👎

Not only for this reason I took it easy again. In the fast passages I lost a lot of time because I simply was holding myself back.

Just to bring a little more security to my rallye and slowly gain more confidence in the bike, the conditions of the desert and the various "surprises" " all brings up!

In the end, however, I went through a wadi and was able to run a good pace however, I lost some 10 minutes shortly before the end of the stage due to a minor navigation mistake . But still in the race is onand the Body & MInd still feels great 👍


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